Sunday, June 30, 2024

Tents of Korah, Dathan and Abiram (Korach)

Dathan and Abiram were priests (Levy), but they wanted more. They argued that "all the Jewish people are holy," and everyone has the right to serve in the Temple. They tried to bring fragrant spices, usurping the privilege of a Kohen, and they were burnt by fire that came from Heaven.

Dathan and Abiram were reincarnated as two bulls, which Elijah used in his competition with 450 prophets of Baal. Dathan was a more elevated soul, and his lot was to be a sacrifice to God. But Abiram was not on such a level, and his lot was to be sacrificed to Baal. Abiram did not want that. Elijah had to whisper in his ear that he, too, would serve a good purpose - by not being accepted.

Now, compare the two incarnations. Dathan and Abiraam were burned by fire from Heaven for trying to advance their selfish goals. As two bulls, they did it right. They were also burnt by fire from Heaven, but this time, Elijah used them as a sacrifice to God.

Art: Cows Resting by Rosa Bonheur

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Whose Bad, Moshe or All Else? (Behaalotcha)

When Jews wanted meat, God killed them. Moses said to God, "If this is how you are going to treat me, please go ahead and kill me—if I have found favor in your eyes—and do not let me face my own bad.” 

It should say, "Your bad." Jews were bad, not Moses. But the story goes back to many reincarnations. Moses was a reincarnation of Abel. But so, too, was his enemy, Balaam. It is in their names. Moses' name hints that he was a reincarnation of Abel and Shet

משה, שת, הבל

But Balaam, too, was from Abel.

חבל בלעם

It all started with Eve. The Snake injected her with a bad smell. After that, all humanity had mixed good and bad. The leaders of "Erev Rav," a mixed multitude, were Yunus and Yumbrus, sons of Balaam, the enemy of the Jewish people. That is why Moses considered them "his own bad." He did not agree with them, but they were his people.

These fractions of the people will continue to fight. However, in the future, "death will be eradicated." This phrase also has the name of Abel.

בִּלַּע הַמָּוֶת לָנֶצַח

So why does evil exist? Why did Balaam have to utter the greatest blessing ever for the Jewish people? Moses could say it! However, when Balaam said it, the bad angel was forced to confirm and say, "Amen." For the complete eradication of evil, the blessings to Jews must be pronounced by their worst enemies.

Art: The Butcher's Shop by Bartolomeo Passerotti